If you have been offered a settlement agreement by your employer, we can provide swift and independent legal advice to ensure the offer is fair and definitive.
Our employment solicitors can assess whether the compensation you have been offered as part of your settlement agreement sufficiently reflects the potential value of the claim. We can also negotiate on your behalf to ensure the best possible outcome with the least inconvenience to you.
A settlement agreement is sometimes referred to as a ‘severance’ or ‘redundancy agreement’ and was previously known as a ‘compromise agreement’. Typically, settlement agreements are offered at the end of a period of employment, especially in redundancy situations, but they can also be offered during employment in certain circumstances.
Employers offer settlement agreements as financial compensation to employees who have made, or could make claims against them. This can be an effective way to resolve a dispute between employee and employer, without the cost and inconvenience of going through an employment tribunal.
Either way, it's important to note that the settlement agreement is only valid and binding if you take legal advice on its terms and implications. This is where an experienced employment solicitor can help.
Our settlement agreement solicitors can assist by:
Get in touch with our expert team to make sure you get the maximum benefit from your settlement agreement.
We understand that if your employer offers you a settlement agreement, deciding whether to accept can be daunting. Our experts are on your side and here to help you.
Call us on 01727 798000, send us a message over live chat or complete the enquiry form below to discuss your options and be guided through the process.
It costs nothing to make an enquiry and it is entirely confidential. See our privacy notice to find out how we use and protect your data.
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