It is no secret that the application process for firearms licenses has become rather strenuous and lengthy in South Africa. To help ease the process, we asked the experts of firearm licences for their tips on writing a good firearm licence motivation letter.
Your firearm licence application (SAPS 271 Form) must be supported by a firearm licence motivation letter and documents. Whether your application will be approved or denied depends on what you put into your firearm licence motivation.
The purpose of this article is to assist the prospective firearm licence applicant with drafting his/her motivation. This article assumes that you already have your competency to possess a firearm. A motivational letter is normally two to three pages long with at least ten or more pages of supporting documents.
There are various types of licences, in terms of the Firearm Control Act, but this article will focus on Section 13 (self-defence), Section 15 (occasional sports shooting/hunting) and Section 16 (dedicated sports shooting/dedicated hunting).
If you are applying for a firearm licence for self-defence purposes (to protect yourself and/or your family) the motivational or covering letter needs to cover all aspects concerning your personal life and circumstances.
The type of business you may be involved in; whether you are the owner or employee; your travel arrangements and the routes you travel on a daily, weekly or monthly basis; as well as your hobbies and interests and whether these hobbies and interests take you to areas which may be more dangerous or remote. If you own your own business, submit proof of ownership. If you perform a particular function in the company (such as banking), obtain a letter from your employer confirming this.
Also tell the police about the neighbourhood and area you live in (or areas through which you travel), and whether the areas have a high crime rate, by submitting crime statistics and newspaper articles. If you have been affected by crime personally, you will need to refer to the events as they occurred as well as police case numbers.
You need to give the police an overall view of your personal circumstances and you are required to show the police that you have a need for the firearm and that there is no alternative other than the possession of the said firearm.
If you are going to be using the firearm for occasional sports shooting or hunting again you need to fully motivate the need for the firearm. You should be a member of a shooting club and explain how the firearm will be used for sports shooting competitions on an occasional basis.
Supporting documentation is very important – the main one being proof of membership to a shooting club. If you have a logbook, or keep a record of your shooting activities, submit it as proof as well.
This application should be fully motivated – explaining not only the details of the firearm itself but how you will use it (whether for target shooting or any type of sports shooting). If you are applying for occasional hunting, the particular rifle or shotgun that you are applying for should also be fully motivated with regards to the type of animals you wish to hunt (light to medium game – depending on the calibre of the rifle).
Also indicate where you have hunted before. Support this with hunting references from friends/hunting acquaintances or farm owners; confirming that you have hunted with them and will continue to hunt with them. Include pictures of various hunts you have been on.
This section applies if you have received dedicated status from your accredited sports shooting/hunting organisation. When you are applying for a dedicated sports shooting firearm, the following documents are most important:
You must fully motivate the firearm and the reason for the firearm – explaining how the firearm is suitable for the type of sports shooting you will be doing. If you already have a number of firearms, you need to indicate how the previous firearms are not suitable for the sports shooting activity you will undertake with the new firearm.
Similarly, with dedicated hunting, you need to fully motivate the firearm and its usage, calibre and the type of terrain the firearm will be used in as well as the type of animals you will be hunting (light or medium game). If you already possess various hunting rifles, indicate in detail what those rifles are used for and that the one you are applying for is different to the ones you may already have.
If you are applying for a shotgun for clay target shooting or hunting, again, fully motivate the reason for the shotgun. For clay target purposes, differentiate between trap, skeet or sporting clays and, for hunting, show what type of bird or fowl you will be hunting. If you have other shotguns, indicate how they are different from the one you are now applying for.
The above is a very short synopsis of the main types of firearms licences that are applied for and does not amount to legal advice. Each person’s circumstances are different as well as the firearms you are applying for may differ.
How to write a motivation (aimed at the Professional Hunting Industry):
What is the weapon required for? What type of game will be hunted and in which terrain? Will the weapon also be used to participate in shooting competitions?
List the technical attributes of the weapon (action, calibre, length of barrel) and explain the suitability thereof. Mention the type of ammunition that will be used (i.e. bullet weights, velocity) and how that would be useful with the type of game and the typical hunting conditions and distances.
Indicate where the weapon concerned will fit into your battery. Explain why your existing weapons cannot fulfil the need – especially in terms of ballistic requirements. Mention the required weapon’s specific or special requirements and the use thereof.
Make mention of when you started to shoot and hunt. Outline your experience. Mention successes, species, trophies hunted and hunting locations. Indicate membership of associations and participation. List qualifications obtained (e.g. official measurer, training courses and managerial positions held). Also list details of where you’ve been hunting in the past and, if possible, where you plan on hunting in future.
Attach a letter confirming membership and association participation as well as qualifications and positions held. It should, furthermore, also support technically the suitability of the weapon for the use it would be needed for (as mentioned in point 2 above).
Attach supporting documentation in aid of the claims in point 4 above. Hunting photos; trophy certificates; hunting licenses; removal permits; training certificates; testimonials from game farmers and hunting partners; and – the key to your application – a copy of your membership card of your hunting association.
The trick is to keep the motivation as concise as possible whilst including all the vital details. It is helpful to include a list of all the accredited organisations you belong to – along with your membership details. It is important to focus and concentrate on explaining the specific reasons why you need the firearm you are applying for, and its intended use, and not to blur your reasons with unnecessary additional information. Always supply applicable supporting documentation for things you claim in the motivation; i.e. crime stats, sport participation results etc.
Writing a good motivation is a difficult thing to nail down as many different approaches have worked. Motivations that have succeeded before sometimes don’t succeed at another time. Here are some simple tips:
In our experience, there is no such thing as a good motivation. Motivations with the same facts and supporting documents are treated differently. One is approved and the other denied. Write all the facts related to the need for the firearm.
Every Motivation must be aligned to the specifics of the person applying. Each motivation differs as each person’s needs are different. You must tailor-make your motivation with the truth of your wellbeing.
When in doubt, use our services at Target Line to put your motivation together.
My top tip would be to provide a detailed explanation of what the firearm is required for and how this specific firearm will satisfy your need.
No two motivations should read the same. Whatever you do, be honest and don’t lie. Keep to the subject at hand. If you are a bona-fide hunter, then say so. If you feel the need for self-protection, then say so but don’t add uncalled for wisecracks like “because you are too pathetic to do your jobs!”
Where the law requires you to admit a previous criminal conviction or a declaration of unfitness to own a firearm, you should state so clearly with links to the case numbers. Don’t hide it – you will be caught out. You must always give details on why you need the firearm. State your personal and business circumstances clearly so that the reader understands who you are.
Unlike the USA and other places, the right to bear arms is seen as a privilege in South Africa – not a right. Thus, you need to comply with whatever supporting documents are required. Don’t blindly copy and paste old applications – your circumstances must have changed somewhat since then.
I will not be long winded here. Four essential points:
Bear in mind that the vast majority of officials involved in the license process are clueless. Therefore, the clearer the motivation and supporting documents are the better.
A good firearm motivation should:
Writing (or compiling) a good firearm licence motivation is not easy. Because no two people are the same, no two motivations can ever read the same. You need to fully motivate why you need a firearm (i.e. self-defence, sports shooting or hunting, etc.) and how this specific firearm will satisfy your need.
As they say: “the onus lies in the proof.” Everything you write in your motivation letter must be supported by documentation/proof (i.e. crime statistics, news reports, proof of membership, training certificates, etc., etc.).
It is very important to be honest and to the point in your firearm licence motivation. It is advisable to seek the services of an expert to guarantee success in obtaining a firearm license.