Set up and manage access requests

The access request feature allows people to request access to content that they don't currently have permission to see. As a site owner, you can configure the feature to send you mail when someone requests access to a site. You can then choose whether to approve or decline their request. If you approve the request, you can also specify the level of permission you’d like to assign to a user.

The access request feature also works together with the Share command for sites. If someone who is not a site owner for a site (that is, someone who does not have full control for a site) uses the Share command to invite other people to view a site, then that action will generate an access request for the site owner. A site owner can then approve or decline the request or specify the permission level to be assigned to the new user.

Important: If a site is using mail-enabled security groups, then the site owners might not receive access- request email messages. For more information and to resolve this issue, see Notifications sent to SharePoint sites connected to Microsoft 365 groups aren’t received.

Together, the Share command and the access request feature simplify the process of managing who has access to a site. Site users have the opportunity to invite other people to collaborate on sites (unless you disable this feature), while site owners have the ultimate authority over who has access to these sites and what level of permissions users are assigned.

Summary of who gets the email when users request access:

Who gets the access request email by default

Users in Owners group

Primary Site administrator

Group-connected sites (including Microsoft Teams)

Users in Owners group

Modern sites without a group (#STS3 TeamSite)

Users in Owners group

Primary Site administrator

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