Getting started with Cisco Unified Contact Center Express

Unified CCX is available in three packages (Standard - available for 11.0 and below, Enhanced, Premium) tailored to meet different customer contact requirements. CTI Protocol, Configuration APIs, and the Unified CCX Editor are available with all three license packages.

I already have a Unified CCX system

If you already have a working Unified CCX system, you can skip this section.

I need a Unified CCX system

DevNet provides FREE 24 X 7 hosted labs for integrating and working with Cisco technologies such as Cisco Unified Contact Center Express. Unified CCX with a premium license is available in multiple versions via reservation based DevNet Sandboxes:

Reservation based sandboxes are private preconfigured lab with all resources dedicated to you for the duration of the reservation. You have the ability to install your own application and share the lab with other users.

Getting started with using the CTI Protocol

Unified CCX provides CTI Protocols for performing agent and supervisor actions programmatically. Bridge mode allows developers to receive all agent and supervisor messages to build a reporting/monitoring application. The CTI Protocol Developer Guide explains the details of each CTI protocol message.

The Unified CCX CTI Protocol can be used to:

How do I get started?

The CTI Protocol Developer Guide gives an overview on how to open a session with the CTI Server, maintain session, handle CTI events, and make third party requests to server. Since the guide is fairly large, here are some suggested chapters:

  1. Defining Unified CCX CTI Messages
  2. Managing Sessions
  3. Managing Configuration Data
  4. Managing Agent States

After reading the above chapters, in your application, you need to do the following:

  1. Establish a TCP connection to the Unified CCX server.
  2. Use the OPEN_REQ message to initialize a communications session with Unified CCX.
  3. Your application should receive an OPEN_CONF message to signify a successful connection.
  4. You can now send different CTI Protocol messages depending if you want to receive configuration information, request agent state changes, etc.
  5. When your application is done sending these messages, you need to close the session by sending the CLOSE_REQ.
  6. Your application should receive a CLOSE_CONF to signify a successful disconnect.
  7. Close the TCP connection.

Getting started with using the Configuration API

Unified CCX provides Configuration REST APIs for performing administrative configuration to the Unified CCX system. These REST APIs are easy to use, modeled after HTTP, and works in thick and thin client integrations. The Configuration API Developer Guide explains the details for each of the APIs.

The Unified CCX Configuration APIs can be used to:

Try them out!

The best way to learn about the Configuration REST APIs is to use them and see how easy it is. Before diving into programmatically calling the REST APIs, it is good to get a better understanding of the APIs by trying them out manually using a REST client. There are many REST client tools available, and you can use whichever tool you are most comfortable with, but Postman will be used for the examples on this page.

  1. Install a REST client:
  2. Make your first Configuration REST API call
  3. In Postman, open a new tab or click the Reset button to clear any previously entered data.
  4. Construct a REST GET request for the /agentstats resource.
  1. Click the Send button to launch the request.
  2. If the request is successful, you should get a HTTP status of 200 OK and see some XML formatted data with the agent statistics. Since there aren't any agents logged in, all of the values should be 0. agentstats GET Response
  3. Optional: Login an agent using the Finesse and redo these steps. Your HTTP response body should be look like this:

  1 0 1 0  

Getting started with using the Scripting

Unified CCX allows customers to build custom scripts for

Try them out!

  1. Verify that your client machine meets the technical specifications necessary to install the Cisco Unified CCX Editor.
  2. Download the Cisco Unified CCX Editor from the Cisco Unified CCX Administration web interface:

box or a Save As dialog box appears.

  1. Install the Cisco Unified CCX Editor on your Windows computer:

installation. (This process may take a few minutes.)