Mo medicaid revalidation application

The Missouri Medicaid Audit and Compliance (MMAC) Provider Enrollment Unit (PEU) frequently receives requests to backdate provider enrollment applications. MMAC will not backdate the effective date of a provider’s Missouri Medicaid enrollment prior to the date MMAC received the provider’s application, except in very specific situations, such as out of state emergency services. This is outlined in state regulation.

13 CSR 65-2.020 Provider Enrollment and Application

(1) Enrollment

For any person to receive payment from the MO HealthNet Program for items or services other than out-of-state emergency services, the billing providers and the performing providers of such items or services must be enrolled providers in the MO HealthNet Program on the date the items or services are provided unless applicable rules or manuals permit enrollment as of an earlier date, up to a maximum of three hundred sixty-five (365) days prior to the actual enrollment date.

Questions regarding enrolling with the MO HealthNet program can be emailed to

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